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P R E V E N T A T I V EspacerH E A L T H C A R E
  • Wellness Examinations
  • Vaccinations
  • Dental Care
  • Puppy & Kitten Wellness Programs
  • Geriatric Counseling
  • Dietary Planning
  • Preventative Medication

"It is easier to stay healthy than to get healthy…"

The A.V.M.A. (American Veterinary Medical Association) endorses 2 visits per year for companion animals - one for urinalysis and blood work and one visit for vaccines. This is because our beloved pets age an average of 7 years for each 1 human year. Your pet's health can change quickly over a one-year period, making it more difficult to prevent, detect and treat conditions early. Ensure your pet’s health and your peace of mind by scheduling him/her for semi-annual visits.
WILMINGTON VETERINARY HOSPITALspacer-spacer11 BURLINGTON AVEspacer-spacerWILMINGTON MA 01887spacer-spacerCALL 978-658-5282

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