First visit – Physical Examination
1st Distemper Vaccine (FVRCP – Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus & Panleukopenia)
Feline Leukemia Virus & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FeLV/FIV) Combo Test
Intestinal Parasite Test (requires stool sample)
Worming Medication (if necessary)
Begin Flea/Tick Control
Physical Examination
2nd Distemper Vaccine (FVRCP)
1st Leukemia Vaccine (FeLV)
2nd Worming (or Intestinal Parasite Test if Negative at 6-8 Week visit)
| *Additional vaccine recommended for outdoor cats is FIV. Please ask us for more information at the time of your pet’s visit! We will be more than happy to go over any questions you may have. |
Physical Examination
3rd Distemper Vaccine (FVRCP)
2nd Leukemia Vaccine (FeLV)
Rabies Vaccine
- Suggested timeframe for the following options
Physical Exam
Pre-Surgical Exam (if electing to neuter or spay)
Ovariohysterectomy (OHE) – female spay surgery
Research has shown that females who have had an OHE before their first heat cycle have a significantly lower incidence of mammary (breast) cancer later in life. WVH honors SNAP vouchers for this procedure. |
Orchiectomy – male neuter surgery
Neutering decreases territorial aggression and urine marking/spraying. WVH honors SNAP vouchers for this procedure. |
HomeAgain ® Microchip System
We offer the option of the microchipping your beloved pet with HomeAgain® - the safe, permanent, lifelong identification system.